Vintage Ads
1943 Willys Jeeps Engineers Bridge New Guinea River Under Fire Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1943 Working for Victory on the Santa Fe Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1943 Worth Fighting for Greyhound Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 1941 Nothing Changed but the Paint Everything Changed but the Paint 1943 International Harvester Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 An Aircraft Carrier Goes by Rail Before It Goes to Sea PRR Serving the Nation Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 And Lissen Joe Some Day I Going Back There And Catch Me All His Brothers Evinrude Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Autocar Strucks for Heavy Duty from Truck to Transport to Tokyo Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Autocar Truck Down to the Sea in Autocars Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Autocar Trucks for Heavy Duty Contents. One Hellcat Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Autocar Trucks for Heavy Duty Home Delivery by Heavy Duty Autocar Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Autocar Trucks Gangway for Victory Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Big Trucks for Big Jobs Autocar Trucks for Heavy Duty Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Buy US War Bonds Today Tomorrow Command Your Own Chris Craft 3 Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Cadillac in Training for Twenty Seven Years Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Chevy Out Fighting Men Give Valor for Victory Chevy Builds Volume for Victory Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Chevy Today All Americas Working for Victory and Chevys Doing a Leaders Share Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Chevy Trucks Tremendous Productions Meets a Tremendous Worldwide Transportation Problem Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Chris Craft Express Cruiser Keep Your Spirits High Speed Victory Buy US War Bonds Today Tomorrow Command Your Own Chris Craft Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Diamond T Motor Trucks Lugging Logs for Liberty with Diamond T Reliability Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Eyes on Tomorrow Pennsylvania Railroad Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Federal Trucks Theyre Doing a Bigger Job Better with Round the Click Dependability Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 First Diesel Streamline Train in America More Than a Train...a Symbol Burlington Route Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 First National Congress of Retail Commerce, Montevideo Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 from Wagon Wheel to Stainless Steel Burlington Route Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 GMC 2 1 2 Ton Amphibian Truck the Duck Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 GMC Duck Up from the Sea. in Ducks Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Great Festival of Malaga Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 He Drives a Weapon. and the Farmall Fight for Food International Harvester Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 He Knows. Do You. Grace Line Vintage Ad 2 - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 I Call Her Faith. on Account of She Can Move Mountains Chrysler Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 I Never Did This in Daylight Before Pullman Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 International Trucks a River of Fuel That Flows on Trucks Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Liquid Loads Are Heavy Loads Autocar Trucks for Heavy Duty Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Locarno Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Mack Truck Good Idea. from Away Back Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Making Room for More Fighting Freight Along the Santa Fe Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Mexico Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Mexico Volcan Paricutin Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 My Moneys on the Cow Pullman Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Nelly Gets Another One. Shes a Bofors Gun. Chrysler Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Now Women Help to Keep Them Rolling on the Pennsylvania Railroad Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 of All the DeSoto Cars Ever Built 7 Out of 10 Are Still Running DeSoto Designed to Endure Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 of All the DeSoto Cars Ever Built 7 Out of 10 Are Still Running Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Oldsmobile and P 61 the Black Widow Snares an Axis Fly Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 on Their Way Pennsylvania Railroad Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Pathfinders of the Diesel Era GM Locomotives Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Pride Of The Fleet Electric Boat Company Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Ski lift in Urn?ñsch, at S?ñntis Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 St Moritz Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 St. Moritz 1856 M Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Superfinish Was Developed in 1935 by Chrysler Division Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Swedish Lloyd England via Gothenburg London Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Teach Them the World. Air Travel Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 The Grisons Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 These Are Prime Movers of Fighting Americans Greyhound Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 USA. One Day I'm Going to See and Enjoy All of It Greyhound Vintage Ad 2 - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Want to Give a Soldier Something to Be Thankful For Pullman Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 What Do You Feed on Iron Horse American Locomotive Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Whats the Olympian in the Hole for Bill the Milwaukee Road Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 When coming to Switzerland, use Swissair Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Where the train passes, life resumes The rail arrives, we work SNCF Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Which Will You Ride Behind American Locomotive Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1944 Why America Is Still the Land of Plenty Pennsylvania Railroad Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 An Assembly Line 26000 Miles Long Pennsylvania Railroad Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Buy Autocars by Autocar Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Command the Load Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Engineered and Built by Autocar Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Engineered by Autocar Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks for Heavy Duty Heavy Hauling by George Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Hauling Products You Never See Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Precision Built by Autocar Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Steel Plates Are Heavy Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Autocar Trucks Theyre Worth More Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Beatenberg Niederhorn Switzerland Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Boston the New Heaven Railroad Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 BSA Motorcycles the First Post War Models Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Buick Powers the Liberator Buick Builds the M 18 Hellcat Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Buick. So Nice to Come Home to Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Cadillac Imprint of Cadillac Power Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Cadillac in Complete Agreement Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Cadillac Peacetime Power with a Wartime Job Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Chevy First in Service Again the Leader Gives Proof of Leadership Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Chevy Pick Up Trucks Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Chevy Truck Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Chevy Trucks 2 Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Chevy Trucks Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Chris Craft 16 Ft Special Runabout Buy US War Bonds Today Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Chrysler Corporation Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 DeSoto of All the DeSoto Cars Ever Built 7 Out of 10 Are Still Running Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Diamond T Truck Model 614 At Oakland Bay Bridge Ca Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Diamond T Trucks Air Cargoes Speed to a Flying Start. with Diamond T Reliability Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Diamond T Trucks Where Steel and Skill Are Sweated Into Ships Men Know Diamond T Reliability Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Diesel Locomotive Sure Its the Latest Baldwin Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Federal Trucks Federals Have Won by Costing Less to Run 2 Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Federal Trucks Federals Have Won by Costing Less to Run Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Fibers of War Santa Fe Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Ford Trucks Ad Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 French Airline North America Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 Fribourg Suisse Schweiz Switzerland Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95 -
1945 GMC Six by Six Leading Load Carrier on Leyte Vintage Ad - Metal Sign
$19.95Made in the USA of high-quality aluminum, this metal sign uses simulated rust and aging to give a vintage effect . Beautiful satin, non-glare finish. Simulated printed on "rust" to give a vintage effect of aging. Outdoor durable and weatherproof...$19.95